Johannes Lachner

Robotics and Computational Neuroscience

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Welcome to my world of robotics!

I'm Johannes, a postdoctoral researcher in the MIT-Novo Nordisk Artificial Intelligence Postdoctoral Fellows Program working with Prof. Neville Hogan and Prof. Mehrdad Jazayeri at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

I aim to assist individuals with chronic neurological disorders in regaining their ability to participate in daily activities.

My long-term interest lies in understanding the balance between neural commands and biomechanics in our movements. Through artificial neural networks, stochastic processes, and Differential Geometry, I strive to identify the most effective geometric tools for analyzing neural control and to develop innovative rehabilitation technologies, including brain-machine interfaces and therapeutic robots. A particular focus of mine is on robot-assisted rehabilitation for post-stroke patient therapy.

I investigate how humans—despite computational limitations—achieve astonishing performance in interacting with the environment. We hypothesize that humans utilize motor primitives to streamline physical interactions, a principle that can also enhance robot control.

For an overview of my publications, you can visit my Google Scholar profile and for insights into my career path, connect with me on LinkedIn.